Launch of MOPAN Assessment of FAO
MOPAN launches its latest assessment of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to its Executive Board, led by Canada and the United States. It will be presented, along with a Management Response from FAO, and a discussion by FAO Members on 14 November from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm CET in Rome, Italy.
Launch of MOPAN Assessment of WHO
MOPAN presents the findings of its latest assessment of the World Health Organization (WHO) to Permanent Delegations in Geneva. The launch is chaired by Belgium, Canada and Luxembourg, with Director-General Dr Tedros responding on WHO’s behalf. It will feature a conversation with member states around the findings. The meeting is held at 16:00 at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland; the report itself is available on the MOPAN website.
Launch of MOPAN Assessment of WFP
MOPAN launches its latest assessment of the World Food Programme (WFP) to its Executive Board, led by Switzerland, the United States and Türkiye (observer). A presentation to the board will be given today at 9:30 CEST at WFP headquarters in Rome, Italy.
Closure of the MOPAN Survey of UNESCO Partners
The MOPAN Survey of UNESCO Partners was launched on 21 May 2024 and closes today, 14 June 2024. The data obtained for the survey will be triangulated with two other evidence streams (documents and interviews) used in MOPAN assessments. The MOPAN assessment of UNESCO is expected in November/December 2024.
Closure of the MOPAN Survey of UN-Habitat Partners
The MOPAN Survey of UN-Habitat Partners was launched on 6 May 2024 and closes on 10 June 2024. The data obtained for the survey will be triangulated with two other evidence streams (documents and interviews) used in MOPAN assessments. The MOPAN assessment of UN-Habitat is expected in December 2024.
MOPAN Spring Steering Committee
MOPAN hosts its Spring Steering Committee on 14-15 May in Paris, represented by the 2024 Chair, Belgium. The Steering Committee will discuss how to deliver the Network’s mission, vision and strategy over 2025-28, and and discuss trends in multilateral performance in relation to its evolving methodology, MOPAN 4.0, which underpins all of MOPAN's work.
[MOPAN Press Release] Development Banks: Fulfilling COP28 goals demands a shift in approach
Following the launch of the MOPAN Insight, Accelerating Climate Action: Multilateral Development Banks' Readiness and Performance, MOPAN issues a press release identifying five actions for developmnent banks to turn climate action into climate results. Following COP28, MOPAN looked at climate commitments from eight MDBS following COP28, identifying where the Banks’ need to re-orient to make their commitments a climate reality. Read the full press release in our newsroom:
Launch of MOPAN Insights study: Accelerating Climate Action: Multilateral Development Banks' Readiness and Performance, Washington, D.C.
MOPAN attends the World Bank Spring Meetings to discuss the role of the Multilateral Development Banks’ in climate action and results. MOPAN launched an Insights study, Accelerating Climate Action: Multilateral Development Banks' Readiness and Performance, which looks at climate commitments from eight MDBS following COP28, identifying where the Banks’ need to re-orient to make their commitments a climate reality. The Insights study builds upon evidence from eight MOPAN assessments of Multilateral Development Banks including: the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank (forthcoming), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (forthcoming), the Inter-American Development Bank, IDB Invest, the International Financial Corporation, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and World Bank (IDA/IBRD).
Closure of the MOPAN Survey of UNFPA Partners
The MOPAN Survey of UNFPA Partners which was launched on 20 March, closes on 16 April 2024. The data obtained for the survey will be triangulated with two other evidence streams (documents and interviews) used in MOPAN assessments. The MOPAN assessment of UNFPA is expected in Q1 2025.
Launch of the Global Environment Facility Partner Survey
In the context of the ongoing assessment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), MOPAN has launched a survey for GEF partners working closely with the organisation to gather perceptions on how it performs. The survey results, on top of constituting a substantive dataset in itself, are key for triangulating and verifying the other two evidence streams (documents and interviews) used in MOPAN assessments. The survey is expected to close at the end of April.
Launch of the United Nations Population Fund Partner Survey
In the context of the ongoing assessment of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), MOPAN has launched a survey for UNFPA partners working closely with the organisation to gather perceptions on how it performs. The survey results, on top of constituting a substantive dataset in itself, are key for triangulating and verifying the other two evidence streams (documents and interviews) used in MOPAN assessments. The survey is expected to close at the end of April.
MOPAN meets with Ireland Department of Foreign Affairs
MOPAN's Suzanne Steensen and Edward Hainsworth meet with Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs to discuss MOPAN's ongling work and opportunities to strengthen the MOPAN Network.
MOPAN meets with UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & Treasury
MOPAN's Head of Secretariat, Suzanne Steensen and Edward Hainsworth meet with UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office and Treasury in London, to discuss opportunities to reinvigorate the multilateral system, and make it more responsive, inclusive and effective.
MOPAN featured at EBRD Event for Multilateral Development Bank Co-operation for Climate Change
MOPAN's Head of Secretariat, Suzanne Steensen, participates in European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)'s event, "Scaling up Climate Action: Opportunities and Challenges of MDBs" at EBRD Headquarters, in London, discussing recent findings from MOPAN assessments on MDBs.
[MOPAN Press Release] IFAD is responsive in face of global challenges but its ambitious agenda necessitates strategic focus
Following the launch of the MOPAN Assessment of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), MOPAN issues a press release recognsing IFAD's responsiveness in light of COVID-19 and climate change, but cautions for more strategic notice amdist its ambitious agenda and dual mandate. Read the full press release in our newsroom:
Launch of MOPAN Assessment of IFAD
MOPAN launches its latest assessment of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to its Executive Board, led by Canada, Finland and France. A presentation will be given today at 15:00 CEST at IFAD headquarters? in Rome. MOPAN will share key findings and reflect on how they can be used to further enhance results and the impact of IFAD. Members of IFAD’s Executive Board and senior staff with share their views about how findings from the assessment can support the success of IFAD-13.
[MOPAN Press Release] UNHCR has built a new house but now needs to learn to live in it
Following the launch of the MOPAN Assessment of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), MOPAN issues a press release recognsing the progress made and growth still needed for UNHCR to strengthen its relationship with partners. Read the full press release in our newsroom:
Launch of MOPAN Assessment of UNHCR
MOPAN launches its latest assessment of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to its Executive Board, led by the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. The presentation of findings will be given today at 15:00 CEST at UNHCR headquarters in Geneva. MOPAN members and UNHCR will discuss UNHCR’s progress and how to support the delivery of outcomes from the 2023 Global Refugee Forum which took place mid-December.
MOPAN Initial Findings on EBRD
Today MOPAN shared the intitial findings of its ongoing assessment of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The MOPAN assessment will be published in May 2024.
2024 MOPAN Chair: Belgium
Belgium assumes the chairmanship of MOPAN in 2024 and will be represented by Carine Petit. Ms Petit was formerly Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Ambassador and Head of the Political Section at the Belgian Embassy in Paris. The MOPAN Chair is part of the MOPAN Bureau which also includes the outgoing 2023 Chair, Italy, which was represented by Ms Laura Aghilarre, and the upcoming 2025 Chair, the Netherlands.
Closure of the Food and Agriculture Organization partner survey
The MOPAN partner survey of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which was opened on 22 December 2023, is now closed. The data obtained for the survey will be triangulated with two other evidence streams (documents and interviews) used in MOPAN assessments. The MOPAN assessment of WFP is expected in Q3 2024.
MOPAN Inception Mission at UN Women Headquarters, NYC
30 Jan-1 Feb: MOPAN meets UN Women Executive board this week to prepare for the MOPAN assessment of UN Women. The MOPAN Assessment report on UN Women will be published in December 2024. Institutional Lead countries for the report are Italy and South Korea.
[MOPAN Press Release] IFC has made important gains supporting private sector-led growth to support sustainable development in most challenging contexts
Following the launch of the MOPAN Assessment of IFC, MOPAN issues a press release lauding IFC role in private sector-led growth in sustainable development. Read the full press release in our newsroom:
Launch of MOPAN Assessment of IFC
MOPAN launches its latest assessment of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to its Executive Board, led by Germany. A presentation to the board will be given today at 12:30 EST at IFC headquarters in Washington, DC. The launch will discuss IFC’s implementation of IFC 3.0 and how IFC is harnessing the private sector to deliver development impact at scale.
Closure of World Food Programme partner survey
The MOPAN partner survey of the World Food Programme (WFP), which was opened on 8 December 2023, is now closed. The data obtained for the survey will be triangulated with two other evidence streams (documents and interviews) used in MOPAN assessments. The MOPAN assessment of WFP is expected in Q2 2024.
MOPAN Inception Mission at the United Nations Population Fund
15-18 January: This week MOPAN meets with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)'s Senior management team to prepare for the MOPAN assessment of the UNFPA. The MOPAN Assessment report on the UNFPA will be published in the Fall of 2024.
Launch of the Food and Agriculture Organization partner survey
In the context of the ongoing assessment of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), MOPAN has launched a survey for FAO partners working closely with the organisation to gather perceptions on how it performs. The survey results, on top of constituting a substantive dataset in itself, are key for triangulating and verifying the other two evidence streams (documents and interviews) used in MOPAN assessments. The survey is expected to close on 31 January 2024.
Launch of the World Food Programme partner survey
In the context of the ongoing assessment of World Food Programme (WFP), MOPAN has opened the registrations for the WFP partner survey for the stakeholders closely involved with the organisation to gather perceptions on how it performs. The survey results, on top of constituting a substantive dataset in itself, are key for triangulating and verifying the other two evidence streams (documents and interviews) used in MOPAN assessments. The survey is expected to close mid-January 2024.
MOPAN Prelminary Findings on the Global Partnership for Education
Today MOPAN shared the preliminary findings of its ongoing assessment of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) with the Board with a view to informing the Partnership's continued development. The MOPAN assessment of GPE will be published in March 2024.
MOPAN Fall Steering Committee
MOPAN hosts its Fall Steering Committee on 20-21 November in Rome, represented by the 2023 Chair, Italy. The Steering Committee will adopt The Network's new mid-term strategy that will carry the Network through 2032, discuss MOPAN's upcoming methodology MOPAN 4.0 and convene members and stakeholders from multilateral organisation to discuss collaborative opportunities to reignite multilateralism.