IFAD Partner Survey Results (2024)

Technical & Statistical Annex [Part II - Annex C: IFAD]

The online survey, conducted by MOPAN, took place over a 4-week period from March 3, 2023 to March 30, 2023. Its aim was to gather data on the perceptions and practices of a diverse group of well-informed  partners of IFAD. The survey was distributed using two methods: a personalised invitation and a generic link for public registration.

Of the 466 people invited to participate, 164 provided complete feedback. Participants represented a wide range of partners, encompassing nine distinct types with varying geographical perspectives, covering global, regional and 12 sample countries: Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Egypt, Honduras, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Turkey and Uganda.

The assessment included analysis of quantitative and qualitative data drawn from the survey of IFAD partners. This data was used for triangulation purposes, enabling results to be confirmed or refuted by cross-referencing with other sources of evidence.

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Click here for MOPAN's key findings on IFAD (2024)


Lessons in Multilateral Effectiveness: MDBs & Climate Change

Accelerating Climate Action: Multilateral Development Banks' Readiness and Performance, MOPAN issues a press release identifying five actions for developmnent banks to turn climate action into climate results. Following COP28, MOPAN looked at climate commitments from eight MDBS following COP28, identifying where the Banks’ need to re-orient to make their commitments a climate reality.

MOPAN Inisights: Climate & Mulitlateral Development Banks

Climate action is urgent

The outcome of the first Global Stocktake recognises that human activities have undeniably caused global warming of 1.1º C and that climate change impacts are being felt across the globe, particularly by the most vulnerable. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to rise and are expected to increase further. The risks and projected impacts of climate change are increasingly complex and unpredictable and becoming more difficult to manage with every degree of warming. Left unmitigated, climate change could push 132 million more people into extreme poverty by 2030. The world’s most vulnerable people will be disproportionately affected. Climate change is interlinked with a range of different development issues.

The COP28 Global Stocktake calls for scaled-up climate action

At COP28, in response to the worsening impacts of climate change globally the Global Stocktake called for accelerating emissions reductions significantly. Over 200 Parties endorsed “transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems in a just, orderly and equitable manner”, tripling investments in renewable energy, doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements globally by 2030 and including phasing out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.

Multilateral development banks, or MDBs, have an important role

MDBs have a unique comparative advantage in supporting net-zero transition, adaptation and resilience by providing solutions through their country- and client-driven business models. They provide solutions that include policy dialogue, knowledge and technical assistance, institutional capacity support, lending and guarantees. Together, these support the public infrastructure investment needed to achieve emissions reductions, promote an investment-enabling environment and mobilise private sector climate investment.6 In addition, they support adaptation and resilience across a broad range of sectors, reflecting the interconnectedness of climate and development. MDBs were called upon to scale up their climate action and to work more closely together as a system, in the context of their larger reform agenda.

The MDBs have responded to these calls to scale up climate action

In response to the COP28 Global Stocktake, ten MDBs issued a joint statement. They announced over USD 180 billion in new climate finance commitments through multi-year programmes and committed to increase climate finance further over the next decade, including by mobilising additional private capital. Furthermore, they committed to:

  1. Scale up their analytical support to countries to help them address climate change;
  2. Strengthen in-country collaboration by, among other things, working as part of country-led co-ordination mechanisms; and
  3. Increase their reporting on climate results through a harmonised approach. 


UNHCR Partner Survey Results (2024)

Technical & Statistical Annex [Part II - Annex C: UNHCR]

The online survey, administered by MOPAN, for the assessment of the UN Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was conducted over a period of five weeks, starting on 6 June 2023 and closing on 14 July 2023. The survey was sent to UNHCR's partners, including members of governing bodies and donors.



Click here for Key Findings on UNHCR


IFC Partner Survey Results

Technical & Statistical Annex [Part II - Annex C: IFC]

The online survey, administered by MOPAN, for the assessment of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) was conducted conducted over a period of 6.5 weeks, from late February to mid-April 2023. The survey was sent to IFC's partners, including members of governing bodies and donors.




Click here for MOPAN's Key Findings on IFC


IOM Partner Survey Results (2023)

Technical & Statistical Annex [Part II - Annex C: IOM]

The online survey, administered by MOPAN, for the assessment of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) was conducted over a period of five weeks, starting on 16 December 2022 and closing on 20 January 2023. The survey was sent to IOM's partners, including members of governing bodies and donors.

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Click here for MOPAN's key findings on IOM (2023)


Lessons in Multilateral Effectiveness: Humanitarian Organisations

Rethinking Effective Humanitarian Organisations

In 2022, the global humanitarian system aimed to support 186 million people in need across 63 countries, requiring humanitarian finance of USD 46 billion. Creating effective accountability for humanitarian funding at such a scale, delivered across many of the world’s most  difficult operating contexts, is a perennial challenge. Over recent years, the volume of donor assessments of humanitarian organisations has continued to rise, as funders have sought more and better evidence that their contributions are being used to best effect. "Good performance" in HOs is in question by a shared conviction that the internationalhumanitarian system is not keeping pace with the rapidly growing challenges it faces, and bythe difficulty of translating humanitarian reform commitments into practical action.

MOPAN's most recent study, Rethinking Effective Humanitarian Organisations, in the series Lesssons in Multilateral Effectiveness, explores what ‘good’ looks like in HOs organisational effectiveness. It explores how HOs can reflect agreed objectives on reform of the international humanitarian system in their own organisations, as it relates to the the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDP Nexus), accountability to affected populations (AAP) and localisation. It also addresses good practice on managing for results in HOs in challenging environments.



MOPAN Data: 2010-14 Assessments

The present packages made available by the MOPAN Secretariat contains 34 Excel files, two for each of the 23 assessments carried out by MOPAN in the period 2010-2014. This is only a partial selection of all MOPAN Assessments (2003-2014). The assessment choice was based on the availability of Excel files. The data from all the assessments since 2003 are available in PDF format. 


MOPAN Strategic and Methodology Reviews 2017-18

MOPAN commissioned two ‘light-touch’ reviews in 2017 that took the form of a Strategic and a Methodology review aiming to probe how the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) can best progress, with an eye to longer-term sustainability. The reviews presented a set of recommendations on the possible future scope and evolution of MOPAN, which provided a basis for the work to renew MOPAN’s future strategic and methodological approach.


The final reports were finalised in early 2018 and are now available. 


MOPAN Learning: Analysis across 2015-16 assessments – Emerging Findings

This document presents a detailed cross assessment analysis from the 2015-16  assessment report. The analysis looks at challenges and mitigating prectices in four areas:

  • Financing
  • Learning from evaluations
  • Cross-cutting issues
  • Crisis response


Lessons in Multilateral Effectiveness: Climate Change

Pulling Together: The Multilateral Response to Climate Change

2015 marked an historic year for multilateral mobilisation on climate—but 2021 is a make or break year for implementing the climate agenda, as COP26 approaches in November 2021. The global character of climate change requires multilateral action and solutions. In 2015, governments committed to the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 13 on Climate Change, agreeing to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; and to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius. 6 years later, progress has been uneven, and we are significantly off track to limiting global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius (IPCC, UNEP, Emissions Gap Report 2019).

MOPAN’s most recent study, Pulling Together: The Multilateral Response to Climate Change, in the series Lessons in Multilateral Effectiveness, identifies the key factors affecting the multilateral system in addressing this uneven progress. The report reviews how multilateral organisations (MOs) and the multilateral system (MS) are responding to climate change within the context of the Paris Agreement and SDG13. It examines how selected MOs work with countries, and considers the extent to which they have prioritised climate change in their strategies and operations.

Read the MOPAN digital brief on climate change. [Report Brief (EN)] [Report Brief (FR)] [Report Brief (ES)]

MOPAN Virtual High Level Roundtable

 Accelerating the Multilateral Response to Climate Change, 27 October; 14:00- 15:30 (CEST)

[Event Summary] [Event Programme]


MOPAN Case study - Collaboration between the three Rome-based UN agencies

In 2018, MOPAN conducted a learning case study looking at trends driving or constraining collaboration between FAO, IFAD and WFP at the country level. Drawing on examples from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Jordan, Madagascar, the study found that the three agencies had significant collaboration on the ground, already in place before the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in 2018, but that it was more project-based than strategic. It also identified country needs and context as major driving factors of collaboration, while lack of harmonisation of business processes and fragmentation of donor funding constituted the main constraints.


Lessons in Multilateral Effectiveness: UNDS Reform

Is this time different? UNDS Reform: The path to 2030

Less than a decade away from realisation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, United Nations Development (UNDS) Reforms, mandated by the General Assembly in 2018, have made considerable progress, but challenges and risks still remain.

The pursuit of a more coherent, cohesive, and needs-driven UNDS, that is better-positioned to support delivery of the 2030 Agenda, has been a demanding undertaking for the UNDS entities, UN Secretariat, and Member States alike. Momentum on the progress achieved thus far needs to continue to ensure the targets are met, while mitigating the countervailing forces that risk derailing reform progress.

Progress, challenges and opportunities for UNDS Reform

The MOPAN study, Is this time different? Progress, challenges and opportunities, part of the series, “Lessons in Multilateral Effectiveness”, is a valuable tool for Members States, UNDS entities and stakeholders. It comes at a critical time in which the UNDS and its stakeholders have the opportunity to capitalise on momentum for change spurred on by the COVID-19 crisis, and to cement and embed the reforms throughout the system. In order to successfully implement the reforms and reorient UNDS ahead of 2030, Member States need to focus on meeting their end of the Funding Compact, enacting ownership across all levels—field, governing body, and HQ. UNDS entities need to keep pushing for greater alignment and on efficiency gains, and use the COVID-19 crisis as a transformation catalyst to strengthen the relationship between all UNDS and development actors. All UNDS entities need to undertake a systematic approach to change management that focuses on the human element of reform.

Read the MOPAN digital brief on UNDS Reform.

List of MOPAN events on UNDS Reform

12 May 2021: 1st Draft of report released to UN Stakeholders
16 June 2021: e-Launch of Lessons in Multilateral Effectiveness: Is this time different? UNDS Reform: Progress, challenges and opportunities
23 June 2021: Launch for Permanent Representatives of Member States to the United Nations, NY & capitals
Autumn 2021 (TBC): Multi-level stakeholder event


SEAH: Measuring multilateral performance

Combatting SEAH in the multilateral system

Sexual misconduct undermines the core values of the multilateral system. In response, combatting sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment (SH) has become a priority for multilateral donors--and the organisations they fund.

Since 2019, MOPAN has been expanding work and developing benchmarks on the protection from SEA and SH (PSEAH) integrating new key performance areas into its methodology and creating the first SEAH Note for Practitioners. Work on PSEAH has matured since then, with a stronger focus on assessing organisation’s efforts in PSEAH, updating the benchmarks, and tracking progress and gaps.

Progress on SEAH? From words to deeds

MOPAN’s most recent analysis of six UN organisations assessed in 2020-22 shows that it is time to move from words to deeds. Organisations have policies and action plans in place, along with training. Mechanisms, structures and capacity to protect from SEA and SH abuses vary greatly between agencies. What organisations lack, however, is reliable resources to fund these efforts, consistent inter-agency collaboration at HQ and in the field, and crucially, consistent tracking of their progress against their PSEAH policies.

As organisations mature, and their efforts in protecting from sexual misconduct evolve, performance standards—for the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment—must continually evolve with them. Keeping its benchmarks up to date and improving them over time is one of MOPAN’s commitments.

Read the brief and the synthesis report here.


MOPAN’s SEAH performance indicators

MOPAN integrated new key performance indicators into the MOPAN 3.0 methodology to assess the efforts of multilateral organisations in preventing and responding to SEA and SH. Within the 12 Key Performance Indicators that underpin all MOPAN assessments, micro-indicators 4.7 and 4.8 are dedicated to PSEAH.

Note for Practitioners

MOPAN developed a Note for Practitioners for multilateral organisations to identify and remedy gaps in their prevention, as well as to ensure appropriate, victim-centred responses to SEA and SH. The Note is also designed for member states, donors, and other stakeholders interested in developing benchmarks for monitoring the progress of organisations they fund or govern. It explains MOPAN’s SEA/SH indicators and their 16 granular measures, as well as underlying norms and best practices. It also contains a MOPAN+ SEA/SH Toolkit of 24 more granular indicators to help multilateral organisations form a more comprehensive and systematic picture to help address SEA/SH abuses.

The accompanying brief expresses the importance of establishing joint benchmarks to facilitate multilateral progress in preventing and responding to sexual misconduct and is useful for donors, bilateral aid agencies, multilateral organisations and member states alike. 


Lessons in Multilateral Effectiveness: COVID-19

The Mulitlateral Response to COVID-19

MOPAN is conducting research on the effects of COVID-19 on mulitlateral oranisations during the first year of the pandemic. The research explores the obstacles organisations faced in responding to the needs of host countries during the crisis, supporting and constraining factors in building a better co-ordinated response for emergency needs. The findings will be published in a study, part of the Lessons in Multilateral Effectiveness series in 2023.

In advance of UNGA77, MOPAN produced a report overview highlighting lessons and key policy considerations. The overview of the MOPAN study, More Than the Sum of its Parts? The Multilateral Response to COVID-19 is available for download here.

MOPAN - UNGA77 Side Event

More than the sum of its parts?: The Multilateral Response to COVID-19

Tuesday 27 September 2022 at 10:00 – 11:30 EST / 16:00 – 17:30 CEST

[Event Programme]

Additionally, MOPAN is producing a synthesis, using the MOPAN assesments of six United Nations organisations (undertaken in 2020-21), which looks at MOs have co-ordination and response to the pandemic and the role of co-ordination as MOs seek to build back better. Organisations include: 

  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
  • United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
  • United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) 


WFP Partner Survey Results

Technical & Statistical Annex [Part II - Annex C: WFP]

The online survey, administered by MOPAN, for the assessment of the World Food Programme (WFP) was conducted conducted over a period of 7 weeks, from mid-December 2023 to 26 January 2024. The survey was sent to WFP's partners, including members of governing bodies and donors.



WHO Partner Survey Results

Technical & Statistical Annex [Part II - Annex C: WHO]

The online survey, administered by MOPAN, for the assessment of the World Health Organisation (WHO) was conducted conducted over a period of 7 weeks, from 12 June 2023 to 27 July 2023. The survey was sent to WHO's partners, including members of governing bodies and donors.


UNRWA Partner Survey Results

Technical & Statistical Annex [Part II - Annex C: UNRWA]

The online survey, administered by MOPAN, for the assessment of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was conducted conducted over a period of 4 weeks, from mid-March 2023 to mid-April 2023. The survey was sent to UNRWA's partners, including members of governing bodies and donors.

